make a reservation


Frequently asked questions.
For further informations, please email/call us.

What happens to outdoor activities when it rains?
Outdoor activities will be cancelled. Decision will be made in the evening of the day before.
Till when can cancel be made?
Please read our Cancel Policy.
Is there a changing room?
Yes, we do have a changing room. Fell free to change before and after activities.
Can we book on the day?
Depending on the weather, yes. Please give us a call.
We don’t have informations about our companions height/weight.
Physical informations are required for certain activities.
Without it, we most likely cannot accept your reservation.
Please take note in advance.
I’m not athletic.
You don’t have to be athletic. We will customize schedules depending on your strength.
Feel free to let us know during activities too.
Can activities get cancelled on the day?
We try to make decisions by the day before but rarely have to cancel on the day/ during the activity.
Please understand that decisions are made for safety purposes.
Fees will be fully refunded. There will not be any cancellation fee if activities are cancelled due to poor weather.
What should I wear/bring?
Come in comfortable clothing.
We advise you to wear long sleeves/pants even during summer. No skirt, sandals, or high heels. You would need gloves.
A change of clothes and some towel should be helpful.
You will be wearing a helmet during activities so please remove hats.
For children’s, hat can stable the helmet so we recommend wearing it.

Sunscreen and sunglasses if needed.
We do sell drinks at our cafe. You can bring your own drink too.

All equipments are included in the fee. For further information please visit our website.
Can we take videos/photos on our own during activities?
Yes, you can bring along a camera but please take full responsibility of it. During Paragliding.
Tandem Flight we require that it must be secured to your person to prevent it falling in flight.
(We do offer in flight photos and video for your Paragliding Tandem Flight. Data could be bought.)
Can we book big groups?
Yes. Please check this page for details.
Can my pet come along?
Pet’s cannot join activities but they can stay on the deck.
We will not be responsible to take care of your pet during activities.
If there are other people scared or allergic to pets, we refrain you from bringing them.
Is it safe?
Instructors are very well experienced and activities follow safety precautions.
Please follow instructions from your instructor/guide at all times.
Can I bring my own bike?
Please ask during reservation.
Please understand that for safety reasons, your guide might say no.
Can a girl come alone?
Of course.
For activities that require 1+ people, we will figure it out.
Is there a smoking area?
Smoking is prohibited during activities. We do have a smoking area outside of our facility.
Can we bring food/drinks?
Yes. Please bring all garbage back with you.
Restrooms during activities?
There are few restrooms along the way. Please go to the restroom before activities.

If there are any questions,
please message us.

Or give us a call 0265-98-0048

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